The Environment's Health, something our Health depends on really

A Quest for Environmental Sanity & Hygiene”

The Prologue
While I walk by the shore to some fluvial body, I notice how the tidal waves accedes and recedes aquatic shrimps and lobsters. Many of the aquatic life carried to share by the tidal action got trapped on shore. I picked one and threw it back into the water, but a fellow saw me and asked:
“What difference does it make when there are still many left on the shore to die and just one is thrown back into the water”?
I answered, if you do same and several others does the same, in time there will be non-left on the shore to die.
One life at a time, one task at a time, and in simile, one trash at a time, can clear the bunch and save the day but gradually, when all is involved.

Why not retain the earth's 
Beautiful Colour
[Keep it Green]

Environmental Sanity and Hygiene, A journey by all and for all.
     The quest for environmental sanity and hygiene ought to be a journey where everyone is involved, but as this interesting and fun world may have it, it is just but a few with truth of purpose and a keen heart, that are quite sedulous in this never ending but perpetual quest for environmental brilliance. Creating a brilliant and hygiene environment is not a cinch or a doddle, but with many hands and environmental friendly minds, it might just be a cinch to make a reality by achieving this all wonderful yet quixotic quest.
          Everyone loves the idea of a neat, perfect or ideal and green environment “we are all quixotic about it”, but the practice and culture a sane, perfect or ideal and green environment needs in becoming a reality, is not in a bit apparent in many ergo, the hope of one day, a neat and green environment can be achieved can be liken to a fantasy. Somewhat true because, many seems to be waiting on others to begin, before they can start their own green culture, an all-time sanitary life style. Others want a clump of trash/rubbish to heave up before taking apt sanitary actions. This laxity life style toward the environment, has been a major menace and contributor to gradual failing and weakness of the environment.
        If only we can all be circumspective and conscious about the state and health of our environment in the quest of realizing a sane, safe and hygiene environment, then such hope of creating an ideal and green environment someday, will not be a fantasy but rather a truth soon to be a reality. So many, a bulk of the earth’s populace, glitters in nonchalance and clumsy traits towards environmental propriety and hygiene, playing hob with the environment’s status that is reciprocal to own and causing a big rend to its health.

Think of this: Normally, all humans, will neither wait on others to begin bathing/or clean up their body before bathing themselves nor will any sensible human allow dirt to accumulate on his/her body surface for so long to the very extent that it starts grooming bacteria or reeking a stench before he/she starts cleaning. Then, why allow the environment to suffer first before we take apt sanitary actions when our very health and continual survival depends so much on its health?
Question: Why not love and care for our environment, your environment and make it perpetually adaptable and sustainable for you and many [us all]? An environment free of nocuous and lethal items will only be a reality in togetherness.
Just a Hint: An environmentally friendly daddy, mummy, children, friends and colleagues together, creates an environmental sanitation and hygiene culture necessary for achieving a sane, brilliant and hygiene environment. We can all be sedulously involved in the quest for environmental sanity and hygiene to make it cinch though a burdensome quest. REMEMBER, so many hands on a seemingly burdensome task, makes the weighty task a doddle one!!!

One trash at a time Concept
Making trash is inevitable and somewhat unavoidable because it is the result of our daily activities, but then disposing a trash at a time will control clump of trash/rubbish formation on streets or within our neighbourhood.
Think of this: I dispose my trash properly once made, and everyone does the same and say it is part of our respective culture “a style and way of living”, our environment would have been a better and healthy one because everyone is circumspective about the environment’s health which somewhat and somehow, our health hangs on.

Courtesy: Franklyn Dono.
