Reincarnation in Benin Kingdom

    To the Binis, the Oba is the embodiment of their tradition and culture.As rightly put by Bradbury in his book BENIN KINGDOM PP 40, 42, ‘’THE SACRED KINGSHIP ’is the focal point of the Benin political system. As the latest in the line of kings, descending from Eweka 1 and the reincarnation of one of them the Oba has his own divinity. He is the head of the nation and his person is held sacred.
     The chief priest of Benin kingd
om, Chief Nosakhare Isekhure said the Benin monarchy is a world renowned institution which has continued to strive amid modernization and sometimes intrusions from detractors. The firmness and success of the monarchy and the kingdom have to do with the complex, yet solid foundation upon which their superstructures have been constructed by the ancestors of the Benin people.
   The Omo N ‘Oba is seen as a quintessential icon of royalty and splendor."Today", as one cultural/art historian puts it, ‘’even though the ancient glories of Benin kingdom are no more, the Oba still commands tremendous love, awe, reverence, authority, power and influence in Edo land. He was, and still is, the source of customary law and the spiritual head of Edo people. A position which is now largely symbolic and ceremonial with no real powers.
  Due to modernization and the threat from the indigenous Pentecostal churches popularly called the born again churches which is spreading like wild fire. Using the high profile American styles TV Christian ministry. The traditional institution is only striving for survival as many Edo Christians see the overall head of their churches as their spiritual head. There are many educated who do not see themselves as subjects of the traditional institution and the traditional religion which it represent. They do not have to because Nigeria is a nation and the constitution given them the right to be a republican, if they choose not to be a subject to any traditional institution. In days gone by, the Oba exercises legislative, judicial, and executive powers.
   Today, however, he is still the spiritual head, but exercises the other powers only within the operational system of the local government council headed a chairperson who exercise certain executive powers, the legislative of Edo state house of Assembly, the framework of Edo state government headed by the executive governor who is also the chief security officer, and the constitution of the federal republic of Nigeria.
   As the spiritual head of Edo people, he is the fountain of their customary law. Thus the Oba holds court with his chiefs daily to attend to complaints from his subjects. Apart from his settlement of various disputes within his kingdom and other disagreement, he must also give approval for the commencement of all major festivals and rituals. In contest of government machinery, the Oba who, in the days gone by was the sole authority is now the president of the Benin traditional council, and the Edo state council of traditional rules.
  One of the most articulate, consistent and well respected traditional rulers in Nigeria. He has remained steadfast in providing necessary and relevant advice as the occasion demand on topical issues to the local, state and federal governments in Nigeria.

   Reincarnation, a rebirth which involves a return to earth by the dead with the characteristics of the past, is still shrouded in mystery despite the empirical evidence often manifested in the near death experience. How real is the belief?
When Ehimwenma 30 from Benin in Edo state came into the world like every other babies before her, the parents rejoiced to high heavens. But as the process of getting the new baby girl cleaned up continued, they expected that a stage, the shriek cry ought to subside or at least have a breaking point, but instead, the cry continued unabated till the next day stressing the baby beyond a tolerable level.
   To save the situation, an elder in the family was called in, opening up a traditional process of calming the new born baby. On enquiry through divination, it was discovered that the non-recognition of the baby in the past world by members of the family some of whom she expected to call her name in the previous world, informed the unusual cry.
   What the baby expected, it was discovered, was to be called Edede meaning an old woman, a nickname she was called during her first coming and which, the divination revealed, she cherished so much. Without hesitation or expression of disbelief, the father picked her up and sonorously called her the name repeatedly while intermittently cuddling her. Within a few seconds, and to the dismay of the people around, the baby stopped crying and the chant of praise God! Rent the air.
    As the situation became normal, the seer brought by the elder warned that the baby, at adult, must not be deprived of going to worship God in the church as according to him, it was part of her unfinished works in the past life. To reincarnate is to cause to be born again in another body or form, to embody again in flesh.
   In Africa traditional setting, the belief is strong as contact is often made with the past in dealing with the problem of the present. Within the traditional circle, the belief is enhanced by the seeming efficacy of the references they make to their ancestors in process of divination which often manifests in the response of the spirits of the dead to their request.
   With such response of the spirits, the belief has been extended to include the potentiality of the dead to transform into the same family he previously left to the world beyond. The indication of such reincarnation is often insinuated to reflect on the token of identity which the family of the reincarnate often claimed to recognize. With such recognition, the baby is thus given name that suggests or indicates that he or she reincarnated. Example of such names is; NORE in bini. In the traditional setting, a lot of empirical facts derived from the experiment of having to inflict a bodily mark on a child branded Abiku have given credence to the belief in reincarnation.
   In the rating of most of the traditionalists contacted. A child reborn several times could be identified with the return of the marks inflicted on him or her in the previous life. Such child usually with short span of life if not stopped spiritually according to them could continue to come and go tormenting the parents. In the gospel of the grail, although there are indications of their believe in such reborn, they however, made it emphatically clear that a reborn is only such person to return to earth to finish the job he or she left uncompleted. Those who have completed their works on earth according to the grail messengers have no business coming back to earth. To them, you come back only when your sojourn on earth in the previous life was abruptly brought to an end.
    But in the word of Mr. Enoghownayeke Festus a traditionalist now a trainee pastor, ‘’everything about being reborn or reincarnation is a ruse. Those they call by special names like Babajide are so called because their birth coincided with the death of their grandfathers or fathers as the case may be’’ though it somewhat sounds odd to some Christians to discover that there are those amongst them who share similar belief with those they regarded as infidels believing that the bible says ‘’it is appointed for man to die once and after death, judgment.’’ The conflicting issue of john being the reincarnate of Elijah poses another challenge. For some Christians who believe in reincarnation, John that was beheaded in prison could not be saved by Christ because he was Elijah that reincarnated as John and got beheaded in fulfillment of God’s law that he who killed by the sword will die by the sword. A law some Christians believe was contravened by John in his encounter with the prophets if Baal in his first coming as Elijah.
  Although the issue of reincarnation is still shrouded in mystery, what appears more real is near death experiences. There have been series of reports of some men for instance who died  and were buried only to be seen far away from where they earlier lived and died living another life even with wives and children.

    There was a case witnessed by this writer in Benin where an accountant, man of about 50 then, abandoned his flat for the church the night his dead father physically appeared to him in his bedroom wrapping around him the white cloth with which he was buried about a year ago to the time of the incident. He ran to the church when he heard that the strange visitor had banged the outer door and disappeared into thin air.
    In similar circumstance, there have also been reported cases of a man’s spirit returning to his dead body after an accident.
Such repossession of one’s body by a departed spirit even when doctor has certified the person dead has continued to rekindle the belief in life after death.
   In India, it is even believed that human being can be a reincarnation of god or goddess as the case may be. For instance, a two year old India girl born with four arms and four legs and who was recently operated upon is said to be a reincarnation of a goddess.
    Relating how important it is to know one’s past life, some California Psychics say it can be valuable information for living a better life here on earth right now.
    The soul, according to them inevitably comes into this world with past life experience or memory adding that the ultimate benefit of knowing about our past life is to become self-aware.
Being aware of the past, according to Astrologer Rainbow is one way to look at the souls past behavior in terms of fears, weaknesses and challenges as well as gifts and strengths. She said, “Recognizing soul mates understanding how we were connected to a particular place or person can be helpful in understanding our relationships in this life time”.
    According to her, “people contact me wanting to know why they cannot disentangle themselves from a bad relationship. As I look at the situation I can often see the Karmic link”.
     “When you meet someone with whom you have a strong immediate connection or bond that is almost a guarantee of a past life connection”, explains Jesse a tarot reader for California Psychics. The connection can be for the positive or negative”. Some people, she said are under the misguided idea that a soul mate is one who has agreed to be with them for the rest of their lives” that is rarely the case” she believes that a soul mate is actually a being who is here to help you embrace and transcend a part of your spiritual journey. Sometimes a soul mate can make you very angry and propel you into an area of life where you would never have gone adding that, in many cases, fears are leftovers from a past lifetime experience”.

   Itan Edo (Edo proverb): One cannot master how to walk with one’s Guardian Angel spirit, when you are in his front he says you are making him walk too fast; when you are behind him he complains that you are treading on his heels. “A igue okhian ne ehi; a gha karo ne o we a tua iren okhian; a gha ke iyeke ne o we a solo iren owe”.
   In the traditional world view of the people of the Great Benin (Edo) kingdom, every person has a personal guardian angel or counterpart that resides in heaven 
   The Edo [Great Benin] word for guardian Angel is Ehi. Your guardian angel takes a special interest in your welfare from the time you’re in heaven and is at your side when you predestine. Predestined us were a person goes before a supreme being [Osanobua] and declares what he or she wishes to accomplish in their turn of reincarnation in the physical world. The Supreme Being, a benevolent king in the spiritual world, stamps his approval with a divine mace in an act called Ise or ashe. Your guardian angel serves as a witness to the request and assists you in remembering your predestined goals as well as attaining them. In heaven and on earth, the guardian angel follows you like a shadow, observing your every move.    
   Many times it is the guardian angel that sends messages through dreams to help alert you to posing problems or to realign you with your predestined goals. Sacrifices are made to the guardian angel through your personal deity known as the Uhunmwun [head]. In great Benin, sacrifices are made annually in public and private ceremonies during the festive occasion called Igue.
Similar to many African traditional cultures, the people of great Benin believe in the concept of reincarnation. The person and Ehi go through an alternate reincarnation cycle for 7 times each or a total of 14 reincarnations. In other words, each entity gets a chance to be a person and a guardian angel throughout the cycle of reincarnation, looking after each other’s well being. At birth, there is a naming ceremony and diviners determine who has returned in the reincarnation cycle and what their name should be. Many names reflect who has returned. Most societies believe in the concept of a guardian angel in some form or manner. 
   However, the Edo view of a guardian angel has some unique qualities that differentiate it from many. The Edo cultures philosophy and interpretation of Ehi is quite in depth and very intimate. The Edo guardian angel has a vested interest that depends upon how well his alternate performs on earth. Thus, it is to the guardian angels benefit that the person fulfills his goals. The guardian angel is an ever present companion that works in heaven as well as on earth for the benefit of his alternate as well as indirectly for his own eventual reincarnation. Thus, through the alternate cycle of birth and rebirth, in turn, each person gets the benefit of wisdom and guidance from his unique and personal guardian angel when properly petitioned.


Written by Love Obasuyi Osemwende
1.     Ewawa, Osiru Divination
2.     Nigerian Tribune

3.     African Magic and Mysticism.
