Environmental sanitation: A culture necessary for suataining and maintaining the environment.


          This work is dedicated to the Almighty GOD who has been my strength and shield all the way and to my Loving and Caring parents Mr. and Mrs. Okporua who created the supportive environment for me to be able to carry out this study. All because the good LORD provided my parents with wisdom, experience and finance, they supported me vitally by offering wisdom based on the good advice they offered and financially in my quest of fulfilling this course.

My immeasurable and profound gratitude to God Almighty who crowned my efforts with his goodness and grandeur for HE alone gave me the strength and courage to always work with a foresight of success. Undoubtedly, this great conquest and remarkable success is by your tender mercies and loving kindness.

I must appreciate Dr. E. Osayande, my able, caring, loving and resourceful course adviser and supervisor for his magnificent support and encouragement. For the remarkable, intelligible, counseling and guiding personality that you possess Sir, you have set a pace that I will follow in due course. Your mentor-ship and care will forever remain in my heart and as an erudite scholar that you are Sir, I will always cherish you and take a quick reminisce of your superb efforts with bliss.
Special thanks to my loving, caring, encouraging and dependable mother Mrs. Monica Okporua who through her financial and moral support inspired me. No doubt the love and care of mothers is transcendental and obeys no manner of distance, space or time and you mummy, have lavished such love and care for me all in favour of my academic growth. I must appreciate my father Mr. Ephraim Okporua for his financial support and care which have been of great help to me.
Sincerely, I must appreciate all lecturers who have being great mentors to me in my academic pursuit and of course in completion of this study. My profound gratitude to Mr. Henry Nzemeke; Mr. Jude Nzemeke; and Mr. Ife Nzemeke for the financial and moral support they lavished on me with love all geared towards my academic success, they are indeed the best uncles I know. A great deal of thanks to my friend Egwaoje Daniel for his financial support and to Victoria Obulor; Odion Didi; and several others who assisted me in one way or the other.
May the good Lord who spoke creation into existence and who gives good reward to them that diligently seek him bless you all according to his riches in Glory in JESUS CHRIST name Amen.

This study is designed to analyze the extent and impact of environmental sanitation in Nigeria within the spheres of Egor local government area in Edo state and the sanitary effectiveness and efficiency that can be realized through environmental sanitation when practiced as a culture. To achieve this, five research questions were formulated and tested in the course of the study.
To explore these research questions, descriptive statistical technique which comprised of simple percentage frequency count was used and the questionnaire was used as the instrument for data collection. The data collected revealed that the majority of individuals within the society need reasons for them to become actively involved in environmental sanitation and the government has an important role to play in making environmental sanitation a culture. It also affirmed the fact that the culture of a society does affect the likelihood of an individual to practice environmental sanitation.

Title page             …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      ii
Certification                   …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      iii
Dedication            …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      iv
Acknowledgement                   …      …      …      …      …      …      …      v-vi
Abstract      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      vii
Table of content             …      …      …      …      …      …      …      viii
1.1     Background to Study     …      …      …      …      …      …      1
1.2     Statement of Problem    …      …      …      …      …      …      5
1.3     Objective of the Study             …      …      …      …      …      6
1.4     Basic Assumption of the Study                  …      …      …      …      7
1.5     Research Questions       …      …      …      …      …      …      8
1.6     Significance of the Study         …      …      ...       …      …      9
1.7     Scope of the Study                  …      …      …      …      …      …      10
1.8     Limitation of the Study  …      …      …      …      …      …      10
1.9     Definition of terms                   …      …      …      …      …      …      11
CHAPTER TWO: Review of Related Literature
2.1     Environmental sanitation – A conceptual framework   …      14
2.2     Historical perspective of environmental sanitation in
Nigeria        …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      19
2.3     Culture and environmental sanitation        …      …      …      …      25
2.4     Constitutional provision for environmental sanitation
in Nigeria    …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      30
2.5     Importance of environmental sanitation     …      …      …      34
2.6     Factors limiting the successful implementation and practice of environmental sanitation in Nigeria      …      …      …      …      37
2.7     Summary of review       …      …      …      …      …      …      46
CHAPTER THREE: Method of Study
3.1     Design of the study (research design)         …      …      …      …      49
3.2     Population  …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      49
3.3     Sample       …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      50
3.4     Sampling technique (procedures)      …      …      …      …      50
3.5     Instrumentation    …      …      …      …      …      …      …      51
3.6     Validity of instrument   …      …      …      …      …      …      51
3.7     Reliability of instrument                   …      …      …      …      …      52
3.8     Methods of data collection      …      …      …      …      …      52
3.9     Data analysis (method)           …      …      …      …      …      53
CHAPTER FOUR: Data Analysis and Discussion of Results
4.1     Data analysis       …      …      …      …      …      …      …      54
4.2     Discussion of findings   …      …      …      …      …      …      66
CHAPTER FIVE: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations
5.1     Summary    …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      70
5.2     Conclusion           …      …      …      ...       …      …      …      73
5.3     Recommendation           …      …      …      …      …      …      74
          Bibliography        …      …      …      …      …      …      …      77
          Appendix   …      …      …      …      …      …      …      …      80

Background to the Study
The physical environment is very important to the entire universe and Nigeria as a Nation has been battling to reduce the risk resulting from poor sanitary conditions as evident in our respective communities of abode. All of which is a result of the perturbing consequence a polluted environment seems to pose or present. Apart from the health significance of an un-sanitize environment, it has also become a malaise requiring immediate counter process to curtail the effect.
Maintaining an environment that will promote health disease prevention is the sole objective of environmental sanitation (Nwankwo, 2004a and Gupta and Ghai, 2007). With this theory, it is requisite to say that never before since the history of Nigeria has the need for Environmental Sanitation become more imperative and urgent thereby sharpening our consciousness concerning our environment. I.e. in securing a better life, we need to put a culture of sanitizing the environment. This is where it becomes important to critically look at “Environmental Sanitation: a culture necessary for sustaining and maintaining the environment”.
Amadi (2002) opined that environmental decay is a perennial problem in Nigeria. Available records showed that 41.53% of the Nigeria populace disposes their waste within their premises, 37.8% of the country’s populace dispose of waste into nearby bushes and only 13% use sanitary dustbin. In all, 74.4% of Nigerians use one method or the other adjudged as in sanitary (NDHS, 2003). This is to say that the sanitary need of the environment regarding how it has been properly sanitized and utilized seems negligible as it seems to be of little or no concern to humans. This is evident in the research by NDHS (2003) on sanitary activities in the environment.
In Nigeria, since independence, the utmost importance of environmental sanitation has been and is still overlooked on the basis of the nonchalant and lackadaisical attitude that the Nigerian citizenry including the government has toward environmental sanitation. With this, Nigerians has been urged to participate actively in environmental sanitation activities to curb disease conditions in the country (NOA, 2011) in lieu to their environmental laxity well inferred and described by the incessant incline of waste, junks or rubbish in the environment {waste in nearby bushes, waste around residential vicinity and unhealthy dumpsite}. A look at the various synopses of laws regulating sanitary habits and environmental sanitation in Nigeria brings to our consciousness that the Federal Republic of Nigeria is well aware of the sanitary needs of the environment. But to the best of our knowledge, the efficacy of these witty laws and edicts appears to be gloomy as environmental and waste hazards, inappropriate open dumps e.t.c are still on the rampage. These are obviously the results of individual, societal and organizational laxity on environmental issues, not mindful of the essence and importance of environmental hygiene that becomes a reality via environmental sanitation practices.
According to UNESCO (2003), any relations between people and their environment are embedded in culture. This succinctly describes the importance of culture, a collective effort towards sustaining and maintaining the environment. Environmental sanitation is a witty interaction process with the environment fostered by humans. Therefore, it becomes important to view environmental sanitation as a wholesome culture necessary for preventing disease condition and securing the health of the environment and its inhabitants, requiring the collective effort by all when considered a value by all.
The aims and objective of environmental sanitation when wholesomely practiced towards environmental sustainability is succinct and transparent to man. Numerous verdict as a result of an inquest in to the various timelines, impact and effectiveness of environmental sanitation in Nigeria, evidently indicates the inevitable efficiency and effectiveness of environmental sanitation when practice as a culture by all. This became even more significant and Lucid with respect to the persuasive comment by NOA in 2011.
“Nigerians has been urged to participate actively in environmental sanitation activities to curb disease conditions in the country” (NOA, 2011).
Thus affirming that the coherence of multiple behaviours by individuals in cleaning, sanitizing, or the removal of junks, rubbish or refuse (waste) from the environment and ensuring a safe environment, can and will elicit a greater good in making our environment sustainable and adaptable. Hence the need to rekindle the enthusiasm (a sense of interest) of bringing to light or reality a safe environment through that necessary culture “Environmental Sanitation”. With this therefore, the indispensible quiddity of environmental sanitation as a prerequisite culture for securing environmental health and the concomitant human health can be achieved when it is wholesomely and efficiently practice by all as a norm.

            As a prerequisite culture that it is, environmental sanitation in its wholesomeness has been limited in terms of its effectiveness and efficiency towards the complete cleaning and removal of waste off the environment.
            Before now, environmental sanitation has experienced a non-quantifiable neglect on the basis of it been viewed as a routine activity or process by countless individuals. Aside it’s passed neglect, conflicting cultures (customs, values and beliefs) to environmental sanitation have actually set up a vie in restricting the extent of its impact or effect on the environment. This is because some cultures are nemeses to this maintaining culture.
            The population trend and growth rate in EDO State particularly seems to deter the successful implementation of witty environmental sanitation policies therefore limiting the effect and success of environmental sanitation. It is also important to note that with the diverse personalities with of course different personality traits making up the entire EDO state population with regards to some environmentally unfriendly attitudes, the success of environmental sanitation can be likening to a “will o’ the wisp”. I.e. a dream yet to be realized (an unobtainable goal/aim). This was swiftly described in the statement made by Nwankwo.
            “All environmental problems are essentially caused by growth in population” (Nwankwo, 2004).
            Therefore, the problems of this study on Environmental Sanitation ranges from the pass neglect on the importance of environmental sanitation through conflicting cultural values to population growth rate and diverse personality traits towards environmental sanitation. Other problems that might deter the success of environmental sanitation include the mismanagement of fund/fiscal resources and the relative lack of experienced personnel both in quantity and quality.
            This research work has been systematically designed to clearly study Environmental Sanitation: a culture necessary for sustaining and maintaining the environment a case study of Egor Local Government Area. The specific objectives of this study are:
1.      To elicit and describe how a sustainable environment can be achieved by a goal related public on environmental sanitation.
2.      To determine how a sanitary way of life by individuals, society and even companies can effect a sustainable environment and as well circumvent and reduce the rate of indiscriminate waste disposal.
3.      To make recommendations on how environmental sanitation process and method can be made more effective and efficient
4.      To suggest recommendations on how to make environmental sanitation a culture amongst the Nigerian citizenry, particularly in Egor Local Government Area in Edo State.
5.      To evaluate culture’s impact and effect on the success or growth of environmental sanitation and good sanitary habits.
6.      To evaluate the importance and necessity of environmental sanitation as a requisite culture.

            In the course of the study, some inherent assumptions were made and they include:
1.      Environmental sanitation is a cultural process and thus a culture in its pure sense.
2.      Environmental sanitation as a culture can effect a sustainable, healthy and safe environment.
3.      Maintaining and sustaining the environment via environmental sanitation is and should be a collective effort.
4.      Environmental sanitation is a national and global culture for any ideal society, organization or nation.
5.      The efficiency and practice of environmental sanitation experienced a neglected in the past.

            For the purpose of efficacy and accuracy of this study, and serving as a tentative or temporal solution to the already identified problems, the below research questions are of utmost importance to well apprise the researcher on the best and preferable way to carry out this research. They include:
1.      Should a general consensus on Environmental Sanitation as a culture be initialized?
2.      Does the past environmental sanitation neglect have any profound effect on the contemporary status of environmental sanitation?
3.      Does the already built culture with respect to customs and traditions hinder the extent and efficiency of environmental sanitation?
4.      Does the Government have a pivotal role to play in initializing the culture “Environmental Sanitation” to be practiced by all citizens?
5.      Can environmental sanitation become a necessary culture that is practice by all?

            Ideally the idea and usefulness of any project, programme or study that worth the effort is seen in its significance. With this therefore, the significance of this study are to:
1.      Contribute to the general consensus of the importance of environmental sanitation
2.      Serve as a source of relevant percept and literature for further research.
3.      Build up an interest and active participation of Nigerian citizen in environmental sanitation issues.
4.      Develop a cultural attitude of sanitary practices amongst individuals.
5.      Severe as a basis for further research in analyzing environmental sanitation: a culture necessary for sustaining and maintaining the environment.
            This research is restricted and delimited to environmental sanitation: a culture necessary for sustaining and maintaining the environment within the sphere of Edo state, Egor Local Government Area precisely.
            The study succinctly looks at the activity, effect, status, impact and degree or extent of environmental sanitation as a culture within the locality “Egor Local Government Area”.

            In the course of this study, several limiting intricacies were experience tending to limit the extent of the research. However, these contingent factors did not affect the validity and reliability of the study on Environmental Sanitation.
Some of these limiting factors include:
1.      Insufficient finance to help increase my sphere of observation and other activities intricate to the research.
2.      Not enough time to gather other and enough data pertinent to the study.
3.      Little relevant literature.

            This research utilized a variety of terms with their concept slightly different from their ordinary and common usage although witty and correct. For the purpose of transparency of this research, these terms will be appropriately defined in the percept in which they have been employed in this study.
1.            Environment: The surroundings of, and influence on a particular system, item or area of interest.
2.            Sanitation: The policy, quality and practice of protecting health through hygienic measures.
3.            Environmental Sanitation: The control of environmental factors that forms links in disease transmission or that affects the well being of people.
4.            Social Environment: The culture that an individual lives in  and the people or institution they interact with.
5.            Culture: A complex whole including the knowledge, belief, act, art, morals, laws, customs and any other capabilities and  habits acquired that characterizes a particular society or nation.
6.            Society: An uncompromising group of people sharing cultural aspect with unified aims and objectives.
7.            Maintaining: The act of conserving items, materials, systems and others with specific qualities.
8.            Sustaining: An act of maintaining or keeping in existence.
9.            Environmental Health: It refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially impair and affect health.
10.        Environmental pollution: The introduction of any substance in such characteristic and for such duration as to produce a deleterious effect on all living things in an area in terms of their viability, relative abundance, health, mortality e.t.c.

11.        Environmental Hygiene: Activities aimed at improving or maintaining the standard of basic environmental condition affecting the well-being of people.

For more information on this project/academic thesis, please call: +2348063775655
