Test type and test construction

Objective Test
            Basically objective test are achievement test types that evidently restrict the testee to a limited response pattern in ways that serves to guide the testee in giving specific responses without room for explanation. In measurement and evaluation, objective test has put up a striking significance in terms of its objectivity in scoring which obviously is the source of this tests’ name and the possibility of covering a large volume of the content area.
       On the basis of its limited response nature, objective test has been criticized on the concept that it can only measure knowledge level outcomes on area taught without a sense of proper application of a sound rational by the testee. But it is quite possible for a well-constructed objective test to measure higher level outcomes.
Types of Objective Test
1.      Short-answer
2.      True-false
3.      Matching
4.      Multiple-choice

·         Short-answer:
A short-answer item is a supply item i.e. testees are expected to supply specific answer to a question or fill in a blank in an incomplete statement with a correct word or phrase. It is one of the easiest to construct requiring the testee to supply the correct answer. Example includes: who is the queen of England.

·         True-false
Very simple and specific, in a true-false item the testee is expected to affirm or disaffirm a statement as it is quickly written and read by the testee in the course of responding to the question.
·         Matching
This is an objective test were the matching items contains multiple stimulus options and the respondent or the testee is to indicate which response options is to go with the stimulus. Matching just like the short-answer objective test are easily constructed.
·         Multiple choice
Without doubt, this is the most popular objective test type in every educational institute. It is an objective test item when there is a stimulus i.e. a single stimulus option referred to as the stem and at least three response options in each item that makes up the test.
Essay Test
            In measurement and evaluation it is quite requisite for the learners’ knowledge, understanding interpretation and application on a particular subject concept with respect to the contained content to determined and well comprehended by the teacher. Hence the importance of essay test which allows explanation without a restriction on response but the responses shouldn’t be void of the question asked rather every bit of the response should be centred and relevant to the question asked.
            Essay test can therefore be define as type of achievement test that allows room for explanation by the testee without a response pattern on answering a set question. It is more like an opposite to the objective test which both a restricted and limit response pattern.
Practical Test
            This is a type of test that requires the application of motor skills taking note of the dexterity put in action as a response to a set of question eliciting the need of applying motor skills. Practical test is also an achievement test and at some instances, it can be view as one of the general ability test requiring the application of motor skills. E.g. a chemical reaction test in the laboratory with  the sole aim of determining how well the testee understands a concept and how well he/she is able to apply his knowledge about a concept. Hence practical test can be define as a test type requiring the motor skills of  the testee applied under some noted steps or guidelines set by the teacher or instructor.
Ways of Constructing Test
            Although there might not be a generally accepted steps of constructing test the below are vital points and steps in constructing an effective and efficient test for the sole purpose of achieving the desired aim.
1.      Defining of content and instructional objectives
2.      Preparation of test blue prints
3.      Writing of test items
4.      Item selection
·         Pre-item analysis
·         Item analysis
5.      Validation of test
6.      Writing of final items

All these are relevant steps gear towards an effective test construction and preparation for the purpose of measurement and evaluation.
