Education and Finance is inseparable

            The past trends and innovative activities of humans with evident and realistic impact on the human world actually sets up a significant insight into the educational [though traditional] process pervading then. In our current society, the significance of education has to an extent made education necessary for the purpose of development. Hence, both quantitative and qualitative education is an intrinsic tool and consequence for economic, social and technological development. I.e. both formal and informal education is necessary for the acculturation and enculturation processes, which basically are the obvious determinants of the quality and quantity of knowledge transferred.
            As important as education seems, its effectiveness and efficiency is dependent on some requisite resource or factors. In this case finance and its proper/optimal utilization. Thus the concept of the inseparable nature of education and finance is undoubtedly based on the maxim that finance is a prerequisite tool or agent for the aims and objectives of every educational institute or function to be realized. With retrospect, finance is of utmost importance in fostering and ensuring an effective educational Programme.

Education and Finance as inseparable

      Every facet of life requires skill or dexterity, percept or knowledge for adequate operation in the context of fulfilling the stated or desired function. Thus, it is quite necessary for every individual to be educated, either formal or non-formal, in order to build the apt propriety in the individual needed for survival in an ever changing society.
      Education can be define as an enculturation and acculturation process that involves instilling norms, values, knowledge, skills and positive behaviour on individuals, youths or adults for their survival in the society and development of the society. With credence to this definition, it is quite obvious that fiscal resources are inherent and concentric for every education function or institution to completely realize their objectives both quantitatively and qualitatively.

      Finance in a simple context critically depicts money available for utilization or expenditure. It can be define as monetary resources in stock or in hold. The operational proceedings of every organization are dependent on the available finance and level of education. However, institutes that has being structured with amazing schemes are never void or empty of the intrinsic existence of finance “optimally harnessed”, as a driving success force.

Education and Finance
      Education and educational management is not plausible without the availability of essential facilities, equipment, human resources and adequate policies. All these are factors that determine the success or failure of education and education management upon which without finance seems void. I.e. finance is actually the grand factor of them all in that with finance, the rest of these factors can be resolved or propagated respectively. For example; the readiness and willingness of the human resources basically the teachers is based on the emolument [salaries paid to teachers on the basis their teaching activities] which sets up a scenario of quid pro quo i.e. receiving after giving in equivalence. What the teacher gives is “knowledge, discipline and moral values” and in respect he or she receives emoluments that are equivalent to what he/she offers. Finance is a drive pulling all other factors that might affect education to a plausible effectiveness.
      Another case example is the availability of necessary facilities and equipment which to a large extent determines the efficiency of education. But with a vivid look and a frood, it becomes so glaring that the availability of these facilities and equipment are dependent on the available finance making finance inseparable from education because every aspect of education requiring efficacy, by making some dependent resource available actually waits on the availability of an independent resource which is finance. Thus finance is an independent resource that fosters both quantitative and qualitative education either formal or non-formal in operation.

                The driving force of every organization actually is finance which is an independent factor is every organization determining the availability of other necessary factors. Education being a tool for social change and preservation of culture demands finance “a grand factor” for the actualization or realization of the set educational goals and objectives. Thus as a means of concluding, Education and finance is inseparable because at every stage and point in the educational process, finance is actually a prerequisite.

Written by Franklyn Dono.


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